Can dogs eat?, Dog Nutrition

Why do not feed Parle-G Biscuit to dogs?

Can Dogs eat parle g biscuits

As Indian dog lovers, we often feed parle-g biscuit to street dogs. When dogs eat parle g biscuit then we think that this is ok. Feeding of parle-g biscuit to dogs are harmful. From now please do not feed parle g biscuit to dogs. Because it is very dangerous when given this such type of human biscuit to dogs.

Can dogs eat Parle-G biscuit?

No, dogs not eat parle-g biscuits

No, dogs do not eat parle-g biscuits

No, dogs can’t eat parle-g biscuit, and it is dangerous to feed. Parle-G biscuit is human biscuit and have plenty of sugar and wheat. These two ingredients in high amount are very dangerous for dogs. If dogs consume these ingredients, then it develops many diseases and at the end suffer up to organ failure.

Why parle-g biscuit is not good for dogs?

Why parle-g biscuit not good for dogs

Why parle-g biscuit not good for dogs

Some of parle-g biscuit ingredients are dangerous for dog’s body and this is the reason to not feed parle-g biscuit.

  • Wheat flour: Many dogs are allergic to wheat ingredients, and these can cause any skin related disease.
  • Sugar: Sugar is dangerous for dogs’ overall health. These can lead up diabetes in dogs and at the end cause pyoderma.
  • Vegetable oil: This vegetable oil is strictly not recommended for dog health. It can be causing many issues.
  • Artificial flavor: This may contain harmful chemical and this not good for dog body.

What problem arise when feed parle-g biscuit to dogs

There are some problems occur after regular feed of parle-g biscuit to dogs.

  • Intestinal chock
  • Pyoderma
  • Diabetes
  • Hair fall
  • Skin problems
  • Weight management problem
  • Intestinal worm

Is parle-g biscuit worth for dogs?

say no to Parle-g biscuit to dogs

say no to Parle-g biscuit to dogs

We share piece of parle-g biscuit to dogs, but the question here is that is it worth nutritious to dogs that need their daily nutritional requirements.

No, parle-g biscuit surely provides them sugar or carbohydrate that require in dogs’ body. But this type of carbohydrate is not needed to dogs.

The consequences are far more than the benefits of feeding parle-g biscuit to dogs. So, it is not recommended to feed parle-g biscuit to dogs.

Some alternatives are available like treats and dog biscuits. These are free from harmful ingredients. These are economic as well as heathy for dogs.

What to do if dogs eat parle-g biscuits?

Again, problem is not the feed one-time parle-g biscuit. Problem happens regularly feeding these biscuits. But it is not advisable to feed single time parle-g biscuits.

What experts says on feed parle-g biscuit to dogs?

As discuss above, you tell veterinarian about feeding parle-g biscuit to dogs and they strictly tell that now on words you do not feed this biscuit to dogs.

Alternatives are available and kindly follow them.


We are heartly very sensitive and feed parle-g biscuit to dog without any hesitate. But think, these biscuits are made for human and not for dogs. Dogs may suffer from many diseases after regularly eating parle-g biscuits. From hair loss to intestinal blockage, parle-g biscuit can make health issue for dogs. Alternative options are available and same as economic as parle-g biscuits. Parle-g are not recommended for dogs.


About drbaraiya

Hi, my self dr. Ravi Baraiya. I completed my veterinary graduation at veterinary college, Anand, Gujarat under AAU (Anand Agriculture University). Currently I am veterinary officer at Kartavya pet clinic, Morbi, Gujarat. In this website, I write pet related blog so many people get take information from here. Kindly visit my website and have any pet related query, you can contact. Thank you

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