Dog Nutrition

What can dogs not eat? 10 home food that toxic for dog

what can dogs not eat?

What can dogs not eat? This question is always in our mind. We are always looking a best food that love so much for our dog. Is it right? But sometimes we forgot about, is we give this food is right for our dog? In home, some food which is too tasty for us, but this is too much dangerous for our dog.

Do don’t know that this food is dangerous for me. So, this is our role to not give this type of food to our friend. In this article we see which food are too dangerous for our dog.

Here is the list of 10 home food that toxic for dog:
  1. Grapes
  2. Tea & Coffee
  3. Tomatoes
  4. Biscuit
  5. Milk product
  6. Chocolate
  7. Cake
  8. Onion
  9. Seed
  10. Salt

What can dogs not eat?

Here we simplify our entire article in one table:

FoodOrgan DamageSymptomsEmergency ActionRemarks
GrapesKidney & IntestineDiarrhoea & kidney problems++-
Tea&CoffeeHeartTremor & Fast heart beat++-
TomatoesKidney & IntestineDiarrhoea & kidney problems++-
BiscuitSkin hair loss, loss of lusterness++-
Milk productIntestineDirrhoea & Vomiting++-
ChocolateHeartTremor & Fast heart beat++++-
CakeAll body systems Loss of conciousness, coma++++-
OnionRed Blood CellDiziness, rapid heartbeat & respiration+-
SeedOverall body-+-
SaltHeartStong heart beat+-

1. Grapes can dog not eat.

grapes can dog not eat

No, grapes are dangerous food for dog. Again, dog cannot know these yummy grapes should be healthy food for me or not. This is our role to not give grapes to them.

But one question come in mind that why grapes are too dangerous for dog diet? Exact mechanism for how this yummy food is toxic for dog is not known properly. But in grapes & raisin, one compound is very toxic for dog that can lead to be a serious kidney failure.

However not all dog is serious to these grapes, but it is best to not give grapes to your dog. Health problem due to grapes is dependent on various reason – How much grapes your dog ate, age of your dog, Current health status, environment they live, hydration status, & many more.

Symptoms and effect

  • Dangerously affect kidney function
  • Low urine output
  • Tremors
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea

2. Tea & Coffee – A toxic food for dog

Tea & coffee - A toxic food for dog

Such as country like India where tea & coffee is part of life, and we also think we should give tea to our dog so they also can enjoy right! But you should know that tea & coffee is dangerous to your dog? Sentence quite shocking but right.

Tea & coffee contain caffeine which it stimulant to nervous system and there for it can produce variety unwanted effect.

Coffee and some tea also contain theobromine which is also part of chocolate. This theobromine is very dangerous for heart and can lead to serious heart effect for dog.

symptoms and effects

  • Harmful effect on nerve and heart
  • Seizure
  • Fast heartbeat
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea

3. Tomatoes can dog eat much but dangerous

Tomato - A dangerous dog food

Tomatoes, a very yummy food for all our age. In vegetable market many dogs are waiting for tomato food and we are also happy to give this food to them. But did you know that you give poison to dog? Yes poison.

Tomato with leaves contain solanine which is harmful substance for dog’s intestine and kidney. However, solanine mainly found in green part of tomatoes plant like leaves & stem. But it does not give whole tomato for their overall well-being.

Sometimes frit part of tomato may cause allergic reaction, so it advisable to not give this fruity vegetable.

Symptoms & Effect

  • Much effect on intestine
  • Kidney problems
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Dull & Depress

4. Sugar Biscuit – Can dogs not eat?

What can dogs not eat - A Biscuit

In Indian culture, people highly recommend parle-G like biscuit. They thought this is good meal for them, but don’t do this. This is very dangerous for dog.

If we give them highly sugar contain biscuit to dog, they can eat very well but it is harmful for them over all well-being.

This is very harmful for skin and endocrine system. Because it contains high sugar and that much sugar is harmful. Too much sugar can damage hair quality of dog.

Signs & Symptoms

  • Hair loss
  • Loss of skin lusterless
  • Weight loss
  • Increase water intake.

5. Milk & Its product can dogs not eat? Is it right?

What can dog not eat? - A milk

Well, we are generally talk about is it ok to give milk to puppy and adult dog Right. However, as said in research article there are 50% dog are tolerating with dog and rest were not. Means we may give or maybe not.

Milk contains lactose and digestion for this chemical lactase require in gut. Some dog may lacs of lactase and they cannot digest milk very well can lead to diarrhea.

In milk and milk products, the best food is curd than others. Curd can be very tolerated by dog and also a good probiotic.

Other than curd, milk product avoid. Some dog tolerated with milk as some animal tolerated with their environment.

Sign & Symptoms

  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Dull & Depress

6. Chocolate – Right food for dog?

Chocolate a Toxic food for dog

Chocolate, a different smile come on our face when we hear this word. But truth is chocolate is toxic food for dog.

When dog eat too much chocolate then it is very hard to tolerate, and it is highly dangerous for dog’s heart. It cause heartbeat very rapidly because of theobromine.

Well dark chocolate is very toxic for dog because it contains high amount of theobromine. As darkness increase in chocolate it also increases theobromine content.

It is an emergency and consult your veterinarian as soon as possible.

Signs and Symptoms

  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Seizure
  • Salivation
  • Increase respiration.

7. Cake & Xylitol – Can dogs not eat?

Cake a toxic food for dog

Cake a beautiful for birthday party and we also think that we cut the cake in our dog’s birthday, and we give him/her. But it is dangerous to give cake to your dog.

Cake and related product contain artificial sweetener a Xylitol. Which is very dangerous when eaten by dog. Because it rapidly drops down of glucose from dog’s blood. This i make bad effect on dog’s brain and heart.

Xylitol tells dog’s blood to that we have too much glucose in our blood but actually not. So normal glucose also drops down and emergency action happen.

Symptoms & Signs

  • Dull & Depress
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Slow heartbeat
  • Dizziness

8. Onion – Can dog not eat?

Onion - can dogs not eat

Without onion, many cooking was stopped. but if you give onion to your dog then many systems will also fall down. Because onion contains thiosulfate a toxic compound for dog’s red blood cell.

Thiosulfate can break down the red blood cell and cause hemolytic anemia. This can hang many body systems.

Effects & Symptoms

  • Kidney failure
  • Dizziness
  • Rappid breathing
  • Rapid heartbeat

9. Seed

seed - A dangerous for dog

As a general, seed of vegetable and fruit should not give to dog. We did not know that which seed contain which compound, but it is advisable to clear seed from food.

10. Salt

Salt - toxic for dog

However, salt is also dangerous for human body and it also dangerous for our dog friend. So give food without adding a salt.

Salt can be dangerous for dog’s heart an overall artery.

what can dogs not eat?


About drbaraiya

Hi, my self dr. Ravi Baraiya. I completed my veterinary graduation at veterinary college, Anand, Gujarat under AAU (Anand Agriculture University). Currently I am veterinary officer at Kartavya pet clinic, Morbi, Gujarat. In this website, I write pet related blog so many people get take information from here. Kindly visit my website and have any pet related query, you can contact. Thank you

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