Dog Nutrition

Is Mango Good For Dogs? Can Dog Eat Mango?

can dog eat mango? is mango good for dog?

Yes, mango is good for dog. It contains extra sugar so give as a treat not as food. Your dog eat mango In summer season, we all love to eat mango and we also give mango to our dogs. But in next second we think that mango is good for dogs? In this blog we discuss about mango good for dogs, which nutrients is there in mango and what it’s importance in dog body, which part of mango is good for dog, it’s related query and much more.

Is mango good for dogs?

is mango good for dogs

is mango good for dogs?

Mango is very healthy treat for dog and contain lots of fiber and other vitamins which is good for dog health. You only give mango as treat. In general, the main food and treat is given in 90/10 ratio. Mean 90% give their balance food or 10% give treat food.

Benefits of mango for dogs

benefits of mango for dogs

Benefits of mango for dogs

There are lots of benefit to give this healthy treat to dog.

  • Fibers: It contains lots of fiber which can make their feces bulky. It can be benefit to clear intestine and can be choice food for other medical illness.
  • Vitamins: It contains vitamin A, B6(pyridoxin), C, E. Vitamin A is beneficial for sin and eye vision, B6 good for metabolism, C is good for immune system and obesity, lastly vitamin E is act as antioxidant.
  • Taste: Mango is famous for their taste and your dog really love it.

Disadvantage of mango for dogs

Mango contain high fiber and sugar. Sugar is dangerous for dog’s oral, intestine and overall health. Sometimes it can be lead to diabetes if mango given as whole food.

Keep your Diabetic dog away from mango. Sometimes some dogs are allergic to mango. In this situation mango is not safe for dogs.

Mango also contain high fiber. Fiber can promote the bulk of feces. But it can lead sometimes diarrhea.


Mango is safe for dogs but not every food is 100% safe. So after feeding mango if you see any symptoms below, you can contact your veterinarian for further follow up.

  • Stomach upset
  • Diarrhea
  • Loss of appetite
  • Vomiting
  • Lethargy

Can dog eat mango?

can dog eat mango

can dog eat mango?

Yes, dog always love to it mango. Mango is super tasty and healthy treat. But again here one question raise that all part of mango is good for dogs? So for we divided mango in three part and which part should you give to your dog.

Can dog eat mango skin?

Do not feed mango peel/skin to dog. Here is the reason

The skin of the fruit is the peel part of fruit. In mango, it is thin and in some mango it is much larger. It is not toxic but it can be difficult to digest by your dog. And one thing mango is treat food so give mango pulp without peel.

Can dog eat mango pulp?

Yes, the edible part of mango is their pulp. You can give mango slices as treat. But be careful it contain sugar so give it limited amount only.

Can dog eat mango seed?

No never ever allow your dog to eat mango seed. There are two main reason. It will chocked either in esophagus or in intestine and it could be very serious. Another reason is it contain slight cyanide.

Cyanide is toxic chemical for not even dogs but also for us. However, it does not contain much cyanide that make condition serious but still you away your dog from mango seed.

How much mango give to my dog?

However, as discuss above mango is part of treat. So you give mango in limited amount. Mango also contain high sugar and it is dangerous to give as whole food.

  • Weight 1-10 kg: 1-2 piece around 2:2 cm
  • Weight 10-20 kg: 3-4 piece around 2:2 cm
  • wight 20-40 kg: 4-6 piece of around 2:2 cm
  • Weight above 40 kg: 7-8 piece of around 2:2 cm

If you noticed any symptoms discuss above or any other contact your veterinarian.

How can feed mango to dogs?

Fresh Raw slice/pulp: As discuss above you can give mango cubs/slice according to dosage to your dogs.

Dried mango: However, dried with natural process is safe to give mango. But be careful now sugar is more concentrated. You can give a small, dried powder give mix with food as salt.

Frozen: Frozen mango is ok but after you froze many nutrients loss and taste will change. Because frozen is not compared with natural part.

Readymade: If you want to try any readymade food that include mango or it’s part, first you contact your veterinarian. Because sometimes many additives added(xylitol) to readymade food and this is dangerous for dogs.


It is ok to feed mango to dogs but as treat. It contains many beneficial vitamins like A, B6, C and E. It also contains high fiber and sugar. So keep away your diabetic dog from mango. You can feed the main pulp part of mango to dog. Also, you can share dried, frozen mango to your dogs. Any symptoms occur after giving mango, you can contact your veterinarian.




About drbaraiya

Hi, my self dr. Ravi Baraiya. I completed my veterinary graduation at veterinary college, Anand, Gujarat under AAU (Anand Agriculture University). Currently I am veterinary officer at Kartavya pet clinic, Morbi, Gujarat. In this website, I write pet related blog so many people get take information from here. Kindly visit my website and have any pet related query, you can contact. Thank you

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