Pet Education

Hair fall in Dogs – Cause & Treatments

Hair fall in dogs

You are tired to try all medication to stop hair fall in dogs. Do your dog’s suffer from hair fall? But did you know that what the reason behind it and what was the solution to control hair fall in dogs? In this blog me drbaraiya, discuss the cause and treatment of hair fall in dogs.

Hair fall in Dogs

hair fall in dogs

hair fall in dogs

Hair fall in dogs is one of the main problem of dogs and can be very problematic for healthy lifestyle. Hair fall can be limited to one spot or certain part of body & can be generalized. Dog regularly shed hair to change their haircoat But sometimes it not normal and then medical attention should be required.

Cause of hair fall in dogs

But sometimes it can problematic and shed too much hair. There are many reasons behind hair fall in dogs and we try to discuss one by one:

Cause ofhair fall in dogs

Cause of hair fall in dogs

1. Allergy

As human, dogs also develop allergy. While develop allergy there are many symptoms but in dogs, they may be very itchy and due to this can be develop to hair loss problem.

Allergy might be due to food, pollen, dust, tick or flea and many other allergens. For checking which allergens are cause allergy to your dogs, your veterinarian run variety of taste. During this period, you need to strictly follow their command.

hair fall in dogs due to allergy

hair fall in dogs due to allergy

Treatment of hair loss in dogs in case of allergy:
  • You can away your dog from dirty area. Because there are many allergens stay and cane be allergic to dogs.
  • You can keep your dog away from ticks and fleas. If you find any ticks or fleas, you can take preventive measure.
  • Don’t walk your dog at dusty area
  • If you find any hair loss after food change, stop giving that food in next meal.

2. Seasonal hair fall

Hair fall in dogs due to season

Hair fall in dogs due to season

However, not all-time hair fall is abnormal. Sometimes it could be normal. After season change, the dogs may remove old or damaged hair to new one to keep it maintain phase. Long hair coat dog breed can be protecting their body to lose their old hair and bring new hair.

Treatment of seasonal hair fall in dogs

In this particular case nothing to do. After some time, dogs automatically renew their hair and stop shedding. You may contact your veterinarian to complete seasonal hair falling guide.

3. Nutritional deficiency

Hair fall in dogs due to nutritional deficiency

Hair fall in dogs due to nutritional deficiency

As we know the largest organ of body is skin and to maintain function it should be need to many nutrients. Sometimes due to many reason the nutrients not properly supply to skin and skin is face nutrient crisis.

Due to lack of nutrient, skin does not maintain their normal function. Hair cannot be properly holding skin’s cell and easily fall by gentle pick.

Vitamin A, omega 3 & 6 fatty acid and salmon oil are very much important prevent hair fall in dogs.

Treatment of hair fall in dogs due to nutritional deficiency

  • Vitamins and mineral supplements can be helpful to control hair fall in dogs. You contact your veterinarian for further follow up.
  • Closely look up your dog’s diet. Is there your dog fulfill their nutritional requirements or not. You can contact dog nutritionist to fulfill their requirements.

4. Medical problems

Hairfall in dogs due to organ disfunction

Hair fall in dogs due to organ disfunction

Any medical illness can be disturbing functionality of organ. As discuss above, skin is largest organ and skin is functionally attached to many organs. So, if any other organ face issue, then skin also disturbed and facing many issues.

thyroid gland, adrenal gland, mineral imbalance, hormonal imbalance there are all can be causative problem of hair fall in dogs.

Treatment of hair fall in dogs due to medical problems

  • As aging, many organs lose their functionality, and many problems occur.
  • Your veterinarian is best guide in this particular case. Because medical problems can be very carefully handled, and your veterinarian is best suitable for you.

5. Mange and demodicosis

Hair fall in dogs due to mange & scabies

Hair fall in dogs due to mange & scabies

These are disease cause by mites. As in our intestine, bacteria is stay without causing any problems to us. But when our body face any issue then these bacteria is super imposed to our immune system and make problem.

Similarly in dogs, demodectic mite can be normally present but in case of any problem then this mite is over imposed to their immune system and disease produced.

In these two diseases, dog skin loose hair at certain part of body and sometimes generalized hair fall.

  • Keep your dog always stress free. Because sometimes stress can produce chemical, and this chemical weaken the immune system.
  • Shampoo and certain spot on are there to control mites
  • check up from veterinarian and follow their step can also help to get rid of mite.

6. Bacterial & fungal disease

Hair fall in dogs due to bacteria & fungus

Hair fall in dogs due to bacteria & fungus

Bacteria and fungus can be disturbing any organ functionality. This is true that skin is largest organ but can be receive poor blood perfusion as total area.

If skin is disturbed any way, environmental bacteria and fungus is entered and create problems. These can be causing infection and cause hair fall in dogs.

  • Keep dog clean every time and protect their skin from get injured.
  • Some shampoo might be helpful.
  • Consult your veterinarian for further help.

7. Worm infestation

Worm in intestine can create many problems. One of the problems is hair fall. Worm can consume important nutrients and in result dog body does not consume proper nutrients from intestine and overall body lacks important nutrients.

Treatment of hair fall in dogs due to worm infestation
  • You can regularly deworm your dog according to its schedule
  • Keep away your dog from mud and dirty place
  • Don’t contact your dog to another diseased dog or any other animal

Final Word

Hair fall in dogs is sometimes normal but it could be abnormal when continuous and excessive amount. Because many reason behind these. Nutritional deficiency and medica condition are main problem to do hair fall in dogs. Veterinarian consult is helpful.



About drbaraiya

Hi, my self dr. Ravi Baraiya. I completed my veterinary graduation at veterinary college, Anand, Gujarat under AAU (Anand Agriculture University). Currently I am veterinary officer at Kartavya pet clinic, Morbi, Gujarat. In this website, I write pet related blog so many people get take information from here. Kindly visit my website and have any pet related query, you can contact. Thank you

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