Knowledge & facts

Dental formula of dog | Temporary and permanent

Dental formula of dog

As know, we human have 32 permanent teeth with four different types of teeth. Include incisor, canine, premolar and molar teeth. Similarly, animals have same type of teeth but different in position and number. All teeth are located in both lower and upper jaw with different size according to breed.

In this blog we discuss the dental formula of dog. But before we should know about what dentition as general term.


As general term, dentition refers to development and arrangement of teeth include number, type and position in different animals. Different animals have different dentition according to their natural habitat to adoption.

Dog dental formula

Generally, dog have 42 teeth in their oral cavity. But all teeth are not equally divided in both jaws. In upper jaw two teeth are absent which is molar teeth the last one.

As discuss above there are for type of teeth:

  1. Incisor (Used for grooming and social interaction)
  2. Canine (For puncturing the food)
  3. Premolar (For grind the food)
  4. Molar (For chew the food)

Dogs no properly masticate food for swallow but simply the science behind type of teeth was, Fist animal need grasp and bite the food, then need to be breaking the food and finally chew it for better absorption.

Numerical dental formula of dog?

There are some specific numbers of these four types of teeth. Such as we human have two incisor teeth in one part of mandible bone (Lower jaw). In dog three teeth on one part of mandible bone.

For better understanding, lower jaw and upper jaw are divided in two parts. So, there are two pair of teeth in one jaw. Let’s see on table.

Teeth TypeRight lower jawRight upper jawLeft lower jawLeft upper jaw
Pre Molar4444

Also write like this: – 2× (3143×3142) So total 42 permanent teeth dog have.

So, in lower jaw there are 22 teeth and in upper jaw (6 incisor, 2 canine, 8 premolar and 6 molar) 20 teeth (6 incisor, 2 canine, 8 premolar and 4 molar) present in permanent dog teeth. All teeth are in pair with similar number to lower and upper jaw except molar teeth.

A deciduous teeth formula  in dog is:- 2×(3130×3130). So total 28 deciduous teeth dog have.

On fact also, there are no molar deciduous teeth. About 4-5 month of age, molar teeth erupts and remail permanent for life.

Frequently asked question

1. How much time take to grow deciduous teeth in dogs?

It generally about starts at twentieth day and completed at thirty fifth day of their life.

2. At which age permeant teeth replace deciduous teeth in dogs?

In general 5-6 month of age when permanent teeth erupt. Because at this time permanent teeth become larger and deciduous teeth are no longer adequate.

3. How many teeth dog have?

There are 42 teeth in both jaw of dog.

4. My dog has some periodontal disease why?

Sometimes in selective breeding, teeth structure not changed as compared to mouth structure and remain as other breed. So, this will may cause teeth overcrowding and lead to periodontal disease.





About drbaraiya

Hi, my self dr. Ravi Baraiya. I completed my veterinary graduation at veterinary college, Anand, Gujarat under AAU (Anand Agriculture University). Currently I am veterinary officer at Kartavya pet clinic, Morbi, Gujarat. In this website, I write pet related blog so many people get take information from here. Kindly visit my website and have any pet related query, you can contact. Thank you

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