Dog Nutrition

Can Blackberry Good For Dogs? What Expert Says

Can blackberry goodfor dogs

Yes, dog can eat blackberry and it is also good for dogs when eat in restricted amount. There are many other berries like raspberry, blueberry and strawberry can be good for dogs but cherry contain toxic substance, so it is not advisable to give.

Can Blackberry good for dog?

Blackberry is good for dogs when given in limited amount and it is have some key feature that it suitable for dogs.

Goodness of blackberry for dogs

  • Blackberries contain high fiber
  • Have vitamin E, K, Manganese & Antioxidants
  • Low in calorie, so it is the best treat you can give your dog with a good taste.
  • Low sugar, but good sweater taste

Sometimes, the good food can also have some bad things that can lead to health problem.

Consequences of blackberry for dogs

  • Trace amount of xylitol, this chemical can be dangerous when given to high amount.
  • Contain seed, that can be chocking when give in small breed dog
  • Sometimes vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain happens when given in extra amount
  • Allergy, sometimes your dog may feel allergic problem after feeding blackberry.

How much Blackberry is good for dogs?

As we discuss above, blackberry is good for dogs when given in restricted amount. Generally treat should be given 10% off their total diet.

  • Dog weight(1-10kg) – 1-2 blackberry
  • Dog weight(10-20kg) – 2-3 blackberry
  • Dog weight(20-40kg) – 3-5 blackberry
  • Dog weight (Above 40 kg) – 5-6 blackberry

If you observe any reaction after feeding blackberry then sudden stop feeding and contact your veterinarian.

Final Word

Yes, dog eat blackberry and it is advisable to give in restricted amount. Blackberries have good taste with good treat. If you notice any bad symptoms after giving blackberry to do, contact your veterinarian immediately.


About drbaraiya

Hi, my self dr. Ravi Baraiya. I completed my veterinary graduation at veterinary college, Anand, Gujarat under AAU (Anand Agriculture University). Currently I am veterinary officer at Kartavya pet clinic, Morbi, Gujarat. In this website, I write pet related blog so many people get take information from here. Kindly visit my website and have any pet related query, you can contact. Thank you

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