Pet Education

Day old or Newborn Puppy Care – A Vet Guide

day old or newborn puppy care

An extreme and best caring practice should be done when puppy deliver. Because this first few hours of life of puppy are very important to survive in environment. Many things should be kept in mind for newborn puppy care.

In this blog, we discuss about what you can do when puppy deliver, and which practices do you done before any professional arrive.

Newborn puppy care

newborn puppy care

newborn puppy care

When puppy deliver, these is the time when human attention is very much important. Because pup’s mother is busy with delivering other puppy and she is not much comfortable to give time with delivered puppy. So, this important to give time to delivered puppy.

You can do these practices:

  • Remove transparent layer around puppy
  • Keep it dry and provide warmness
  • Ensure their breathing is started
  • Give their mother first milk
  • Ensure that not any puppy crushed by mother
  • Leave alone after successfully done all practices

We discuss all the points one by one.

Remove Transparent layer around puppy

remove transparent bag around newborn puppy

remove transparent bag around newborn puppy

When puppy deliver, at that time a transparent bag also (called as placenta is cover the puppy) come with puppy. This placenta is attached to puppy by one cord (also known as naval cord). After delivery of puppy, this naval cord needs to cut around 2-3 inch from naval and tie it with something tread so bleeding not occur.

Clean this cord with antiseptic solution so further infection does not occur.

Keep watching to mother dog because sometimes mother dog eats the placenta due to various affecting factor.

Keep puppy dry and provide warmness

keep puppy dry and warm

keep puppy dry and warm

Due to placental fluid, puppy body is wet and need to dry. Drying the body is necessary because day old puppy is vulnerable to cold and not tolerated well. So, this is important to clean puppy well and put it to some warm environment.

For cleaning, you can use fresh clean towel and dry the puppy well at gentle hand. Make environment hot by a bulb to feel them not cold.

Ensure puppy’s breathing is started

Ensure that puppy breathing started drbaraiya

Ensure that puppy breathing started drbaraiya

During in womb, puppy does not need to be breathing because oxygen is readily available in blood which is exchange with mother blood. But after delivery, puppy need to lung for exchange oxygen and at that time it is very crucial to breathing is started.

In respiratory tract specially nose and around part there are mucus or fluid is covered. You need to dry it and make tract clean for good breathing.

Give their mother’s first milk

give their mother first milk

give their mother first milk

First milk of mother called colostrum. This colostrum is very nutritious and very abundant in antibody titer that can combat the pathogen in initial life. This colostrum protects baby from many diseases.

Feed this colostrum to puppy just after delivery of all puppies.

If by any reason, mother not able to give milk then it is crucial to provide other option. You can give ilk powder that suitable to puppy and this powder is readily available in market.

If emergency and no other option available, then you can give goat milk after removing fat from the whole milk.

Ensure that not any puppy crushed by mother

not any puppy crushed by mother

not any puppy crushed by mother

Dogs are polytocous animals mean give many puppies around 5-6 or more at one time delivery. Sometime is possible that mother is sit on puppies and after those puppies dies from suffocation.

However, mother not known that she sits on puppies. So, it is crucial too regularly check that not any puppies are crushed.

Leave alone after done all practices

Leave alone to mother and baby after you review each and every step to make them heathy. But regularly watch is necessary to avoid any complication.

Final word

Day old puppy stage is very crucial to their life. At this time many things require to understand as pet parent. After following all steps by veterinarian, maximum care you should give to puppies and mother. If any complication you observe, then immediately call to veterinarian for further guidance. One thing that you must follow is their vaccination schedule.



About drbaraiya

Hi, my self dr. Ravi Baraiya. I completed my veterinary graduation at veterinary college, Anand, Gujarat under AAU (Anand Agriculture University). Currently I am veterinary officer at Kartavya pet clinic, Morbi, Gujarat. In this website, I write pet related blog so many people get take information from here. Kindly visit my website and have any pet related query, you can contact. Thank you

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