Pet Education

Vaccination for dogs | Schedule & A to Z Guide

Vaccination for dogs

Did you know that vaccine is protect your dog from life threatening infection? Did you now that vaccination for dogs are is strongest way to protect your pet from deadly viruses? like parvo virus, distemper virus and many other viruses. Vaccination protects your dog from many dangerous pathogens. Vaccine

A veterinarian can describe a Proper vaccination schedule for dogs. First it is crucial to understand a term vaccine.

What is vaccine?

What is vaccine for dogs?

A vaccine is simply, killed or unable virus or bacteria that not able to cause disease but able to generate an immune response. This generated immune response can be able to protect animal body from those pathogens in future.

Vaccines for dogs

Vaccination for dogs

There are core, non-core and rabies vaccine for dogs and vaccination schedule for dogs are vary depending on the vaccines.

Core vaccine:

There are some immunities which should be must to protect your dogs from hazardous pathogens and core vaccine is mandatory to protect your dog.

  • DHPPi vaccine: – In this DHPPi vaccine can generate immunity against canine distemper virus, canine hepatitis virus, canine parvo virus and canine parainfluenza virus.
  • Leptospirosis Vaccine: – Leptospira is a bacterium which infects mainly kidney. Depending upon vaccine, generate immunity against various strain of Leptospira. Like 7 in 1 vaccine, 9 in 1 vaccine and 11 in 1 vaccine.
  • Rabies vaccine: – Rabies is worldwide disease that infect all warm-blooded animals and majority is spread from dogs. So, it is crucial to give immunity against rabies is mandatory.

Non-core vaccine:

Some immunity is given depending upon region and there are some optional vaccinations that can you give to your dog with help of veterinarian.

  • Bordetella: Bordetella is bacteria and mainly affect respiratory system. Kennel cough also happen as sequel of canine distemper infection.
  • Lyme disease: This disease caused by bacteria which infected from ticks after tick attack. This is mainly affected joint and kidney.
  • Others: – There are any pathogens in the world and according to region, given immunity again certain pathogens.

Vaccination schedule for dogs

vaccination schedule for dogs

For proper immunity that protect your dog in every circumstance, a veterinarian can describe a best schedule for your dogs. Because of region, habitat and many factors, vaccination schedule for dogs are different but as general rule a basic schedule described below.

Puppy-DP: – In the biggening of age, a puppy should be more prone to certain disease like parvo viral infection and canine distemper. So, provide immunity against these two viruses is crucial. Puppy-Dp should be prefer at 30 days of age.

DHHPi and L(Leptospira) Vaccine – It should be start at the age of 42-60 days and its booster doses should be given after the 21-30 days. After that annual vaccination should be prefer and, in some region, every 3 year is also preferred.

Rabies vaccination: Rabies vaccination in dogs should be preferred at the 3 month or 90 days of age. And annual or tri-annually vaccination should be done.

Vaccine NameFirst Dose(Age)Second Dose Third DoseRevaccinate Dose
Puppy-DP30 days-
DHHPi & L42-60 daysafter 21-30 days of first doseSometimes After 21-30 days of second doseAnnually or Tri-annually
Rabies90 daysAnnually or Tri-annually

A veterinarian can describe best schedule for your dog depending upon region, age, and many factors.

Why vaccination for dogs are important?

There are many benefits of vaccination and somewhat are described below:

  • Protection against pathogens
  • Reduce severity of disease
  • Improve health quality.
  • Reduce vet-cost!
  • Up to date of regulation
  • Long-last immunity

Point consider whenever vaccinate your dogs

  • Keep your dog healthy!
  • No fever
  • Deworming before vaccination
  • Water intake and food intake was normal.
  • Consider proper age for vaccination!
  • Pregnancy status

Consult with your veterinarian for proper guidelines to vaccinate your dogs.

Vaccine side effects for dogs

  • Loss of appetite
  • Lethargy
  • Fever
  • Depression
  • Joint pain

However, side effects are not always present. It depends on various factors. Consult your veterinarian for more explanation.


Vaccinate your dog according to schedule with the supervision of veterinarian is the best practices to keep dog healthy. There are various benefits of vaccination for dogs are there. Some point you should remember before vaccination for dogs. However sometimes side effects of vaccine to your dogs are present but veterinarian can describe the whole scenario.


About drbaraiya

Hi, my self dr. Ravi Baraiya. I completed my veterinary graduation at veterinary college, Anand, Gujarat under AAU (Anand Agriculture University). Currently I am veterinary officer at Kartavya pet clinic, Morbi, Gujarat. In this website, I write pet related blog so many people get take information from here. Kindly visit my website and have any pet related query, you can contact. Thank you

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